Volcán de Fuego Web Cam

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Night-only time-lapse sequences

A list of night-only time-lapse sequences created from images captured between 00:00 and 14:00 UTC(with lots of variability depending on availability) is posted on youtube here. In low light conditions, the infrared (IR) filter is not used so that wavelengths up to 1 micron are captured and transmitted. Hot materials emit these long wavelengths and so dominate the scene. With 30 frame per second and 10 seconds between images, the sequences are effectively sped up by a factor of 300. There are significant gaps in many of the videos. However, there are fewer clouds at night so the images tend to be more clear. A good recent example is this video from 12 Oct 2015.

Night two camera time-lapse sequences

Animations from both web-cams can be found in this youtube playlist. The cameras are located at: (left) INSIVUMEH's Fuego Observatory in Panimache, about 7 km southwest of the summit of Fuego; and (right) at La Reunion Golf Resort, about 7 km southeast of the summit. Note that all times are UTC (local time plus 6) and that the times are not perfectly synchronized. These have been produced through an automated process and have not undergone rigorous quality control.

This page is made possible throught the support of the Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Volcanoloía, Meteorología e Hidrología (INSIVUMEH), the U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (USGS-VDAP), the U.S. National Science Foundation through Award EAR-1053794, and Michigan Technological University

Last modified: 15 March 2016 18:00